Firefox Extension Development: Content Script and HTTP Request

I recently got into Firefox extension development with the WebExtension API. In this tutorial, I will create an example extension that uses a single content script and an XMLHTTPRequest to add duckduckgo result rankings into Google search results. If the result in question appears in duckduckgo results for the same query, an orange box with the position will be placed next to the result. Not insanely useful, but a realistic example to get your feet wet with Firefox extension development.

Screenshot of extension in use, showing Google search results.
Example of extension working. We can see the top result on Google is also the top result on duckduckgo.
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Import an HTML Table into Excel

In this article, I will show you how to import an HTML table into Excel. This will work for any data from a local HTML file or online URL that is stored in a table. I will import the HTML table in a way that the data can be updated if it changes, which is particularly valuable for online data. This will be done using a Get & Transform Query. As such, this method is only compatible with the Windows version of Microsoft Excel.

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