In this article, you will learn how to implement a Google Translate function in Excel VBA. The function will use the Google Cloud Translation API. The API is free for a small amount of usage, after that you will need to pay to use the API but it is relatively inexpensive. More information is available on the Google Cloud Translation API Pricing here. Unfortunately, due to interfacing with Powershell, be aware that this tutorial is only functional without modification on Windows.
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Excel VBA UserForm Browse for File to Attach
In this article, we will create a file browse component that can be used to browse for files in a VBA UserForm. There are many reasons you may want a user to be able to browse for a file, such as choosing a file to attach in an email or choosing a file to open to pull data from. The user will also be able to directly type or paste a file path into the textbox that we will have as part of the component, and the component will validate that the user has chosen or typed a valid file path.
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